MCS1000 Wiki

Making the Poster[]

By Trine-Lise Ryen

To make a good poster we needed a famous face and a trusting one.

The famous face I chose to use is the 23 year old model, Amelia Thomas from GB next top model 2010, she was one of the top 5 canditates, and have lots of experience with modelling. Since our audience mainly are young girls I selected a girl they know.

After deciding with my group and models to do the shoot, we needed a make up artist to do the hair and make up for us. Danika knew the fashion student Leila Ali and therefor we went for her.

The photo shoot was done in my house, we created a studio with a clean background and two external lights. I used a Nikon D200 to do the shoot with a SB-900 flash.

For the second shoot I chose a real doctor, Dr. Noble Inasu, this to build trust in our campaign.
The shoot was done in hyde park corner with a Nikon d200 and a SB-600 flash. There was no make up artist involved in this project.

Both shoots was edited in photoshop, on Amelia’s photo I did some heaving editing. Lights, skincare and beauty treatment.

On Dr Noble’s shoot there were done some manipulation on the clothes and hair, easy color and light editing.

When the pictures were edith everything was sat together in Adobe In design CS5. The background was made in Adobe Illustrator CS5.

The logo was done by Aleksandra and the text and facts was found by Danika.
