MCS1000 Wiki

What we did

This week we realised that in order to campaign successfully we have to choose one particular small issue as our theme is quite broad. So we decided in favour of the problem of food wastage. As an alternative way Helena suggested giving fruits and vegetables to school. We took this as an idea. Maria was thinking about giving 'wasted' food to local zoos or to farmers to feed their animals. Another good idea could be to encourage supermarkets to follow the example of the People's supermarket: to turn non-good looking or expiring products into smth people can buy (to prepare food).

Also we decided to find evidences of throwing away still eatable food, but all the supermarket gates were locked. Are they hiding anything?

Only Zackaria Hussein was absent this week.

MariaBarsukovaMDX 16:01, February 25, 2011 (UTC)

StephenHenryMDX 16:04, February 25, 2011 (UTC)

XiaoQianZhangMDX 18:13, February 25, 2011 (UTC)

HelenaKorgeMDX 11:50, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
